Hello and welcome to my site. As you begin to search for a therapist it can be frustrating because many of the sites on Psychology Today, and other therapy sites, sound astonishingly alike. Hopefully I can take you in a different direction. I’ve been in practice for over 25 years. Trained in many forms of therapy, Freudian, Jungian, Modern Psychoanalysis. Years of training; years of supervision, years of my own analysis, by the finest therapists in New York and the surround. As a result of this I eventually developed a style and technique that basically leads to discovering the depths of your own creativity and genius. Yes, I show patients, and I will show you, how to find healing by listening to your feelings, your unconscious, to your Spiritual essence. This, of course, takes time, perhaps at least a year or longer. If you listen to where I guide you then you will discover that your feelings, that is if you are in touch with your feelings [and that could be the major part of our initial work] you will discover that your feelings are attempting to guide you in the direction you are meant to go.
So, this is not cognitive therapy, CBT, or any technique, this is working with your natural integrity and
helping you find out who you are, what you are meant to do and what your purpose is.
If you come to me as a couple I will help you find out the same thing in a different way; finding out what purpose each is meant TO SERVE FOR THE OTHER. And if there are children helping you discover how brilliant your children are and how they are trying to guide you as you guide them.
Accomplishing this aim will take as long as it will take. Sometimes I may be tough and hard but all to
guide you away from destructiveness and in the direction you are meant to go. Please read on
I am going to list my specialties and index each of them for your review on The INDEX PAGE. If any of these spectrums of pain relate to you, and you are comfortable with my method of treatment, then consider giving me a call and let’s see if we can get you on the path to recovery. I will be able to tell you during your first session [most of the time] what is the root cause of your problem[s] and then very clearly and simply explain to you what is required to correct it permanently. For those perspective patients that are skeptical of this claim I set a reasonably short time frame for you to see results [6 weeks to 2 months usually]. By that time if you don’t see the results you came here to get then it is best to move on to another therapist.